Monday, November 9, 2009

Why wait?

"Why wait until Nov. 18?" you ask? A good question.

But let's start with the end date. March 18 is the day I turn 45. It is on that day I plan to be 30 pounds lighter than today (I'm around 215 now). If I started, say, today... then I'd have to rename my blog "30 in 4 and 9 days." Just doesn't have the same sound, agreed?

So, Nov. 18 is the day. Between now and then I don't intend to go crazy and pack on another 10 pounds, but I will slip in a few meals that I'll be avoiding during my program. For example:
- Hershey's Almond bar. It's on my desk right now.
- a couple of beers.
- one more Chinese dinner.

It's conceivable I'll have these items during the plan. "Body for Life" allows for one "free" day -- I'm choosing Saturdays, after my workout that day -- to eat whatever I want. I don't intend to go nuts on my free days -- one can't drop 30 pounds that way -- but I will enjoy a few treats.

I'll post more about BFL as the start date approaches.

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