Friday, November 20, 2009

A Leg Up

A good leg workout this morning. Quads and calves felt strong, but not so much the hamstrings. Still, I pushed through the workout, and feel pretty good several hours later.

Tomorrow will be a different matter, of course. Walking stairs will be a bit painful -- it always is after I do a leg workout after months away from the gym. I suspect the aching will be around for a couple of weeks. But it's a good kind of pain! "FEEL THE BURN! FEEL THE PAIN!"

Protein shake for breakfast, chicken and rice for lunch with water. On a roll!

Tonight will be my first food challenge, as my daughter's soccer team -- which I coach -- is having an end-of-the-season party. Wegman's subs and all the fixins'. My food day off isn't until Saturday, so eating poorly isn't an option. My plan: a Lean Cuisine just before I leave, then a protein shake -- Myoplex -- at the party.

1 comment:

  1. I hope they don't give you a gift card from the team for Cheesecake Factory!

