Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Plan

  • 6 meals a day, 3 of which will consist of a protein, carbohydrate and vegetable or fruit. The other 3 will be a protein bar or shake.
  • I won't go more than 3 hours without a meal. As an example: breakfast at 8 am with a scrambled egg, wheat toast with peanut butter and pineapple chunks; protein bar at 10:30 am; lunch at 1 pm with chicken breast on wheat bread with yogurt; protein shake at 4 pm; dinner at 7:30 pm with pork chop, green beans and a small salad; yogurt snack around 10 pm.
  • One gallon of water throughout the day. No sodas.
  • No junk food. None. "Not even a jellybean," as Bill Phillips says.
  • One day each week "off." This will be Saturdays, after my run. No workout on Sunday, but back to the eating plan that day. This will give me good energy for the Monday workout.
Weight lifting
  • 6 workouts per week: 3 weight resistance, 3 cardio workouts
  • Weekday workouts will be done in the morning, so I can focus evenings on family time. Saturday workouts may occur in the afternoon, but primarily mornings. Sunday off, for the Lord's day.
  • Of the 3 weight-resistance workouts, they will alternate between upper and lower body workouts. So: Monday upper, Wednesday lower, Friday upper; following week is reversed.
  • Upper body workouts will be, in order: chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps.
  • Lower body workouts will be, in order: quads, hamstrings, calves.
  • Intensity level for each exercise: first set of 12 reps, 50%; second set of 10 reps, 60%; third set eight reps, 80%; fourth set of six reps, 90 %; fifth set of 12 reps, til exhaustion.
  • After the fifth set I'll do a "high point": that's 12 reps of a different exercise that hits a related muscle. For example: after doing 5 sets of bench presses, I'll do one 12-rep set of flyes.
  • Upper body workouts will take an hour; lower body about 45 minutes.
  • Crunches are part of the lower-body workout.
  • On non-lifting days I'll do a 20-minute run on the treadmill or around the block.
  • Treadmill workouts will be interval workouts: two minute warm-up run, followed by increases of treadmill speed after each minute. After five minutes, I'll go back to the warm-up speed to reduce my heart-rate, then do it again. The goal is to gradually increase the speed of each run and increase the heart rate, an approach that Phillips says is the most efficient way to burn fat.
  • Street running will be for variety, with hills involved (up AND down!)
Stretching after each run and weight-training workout.


  1. It is either very smart or very foolish of you to do this publicly. Either way, I wish you the best.

    Maybe you should adjust so that Thursday of next week is your day off. All good intentions go out the window when emotional eating occurs (to me Thanksgiving = Mom's stuffing. She was (RIP) a lousy cook, but man could she make stuffing. I could give up everything else on T-Day but not that. Grilled fish, no butter? Check. Steamed broccoli? Check. Lentil and chickpea salad? Check. Stuffing? You betcha!) Good luck.

  2. Indeed, Thursday will be my day off for next week (I'm not taking this Saturday or the next one off). Mrs. Doc's stuffing is way too good! As is the apple pie... and yes, everything else.

    Foolish? Perhaps. I need accountability, and this is certainly one way to do it!

  3. Want my advice? Too bad, I'm giving it anyway.

    Not sure if the 3 and 3 comes out of the book or not. But the cardio is more bang for the buck in terms of calorie burn than the weights. I'd consider going 4 cardio and 2 weights. And I'd consider a machine (elliptical or bike) or the pool for at least one maybe 2 of the 4. Easier to stay in the fat burn range longer on the bike than on the treadmill. Time goes by even easier if you can set up a bike in front of a Fox Soccer Channel machine.

    Good luck!

  4. PS -- What's the matter with zero calorie sodas? That seems harsh.
