Monday, November 16, 2009

Destination Known

I have a start point, and it isn't pretty: 215 pounds and as soft as a goose-feather pillow.

The destination: 185 pounds, 34 inch waist (from 37), body fat index at 12 percent or lower, significant improvement in cholesterol numbers.

The benefits: better overall health, lower blood pressure, better posture, more energy, more strength (still carrying kids to bed when they fall asleep on the couch!)

It's also important to me that my three kids see that I consider physical fitness and good health important. My wife and I don't smoke, I because enjoy just a couple of beers a month they know that alcohol is not an influence in my life. But setting a pattern of regularly working out, and including the kids in some of those workouts, will hopefully establish a routine they will keep into their own adult lives.

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