Thursday, November 12, 2009

Seeya, soda

Coke Zero, I'm going to miss you. Well, I won't be seeing you very often, anyway.

"30 in 4" calls on me to drink about a gallon of water a day, but that doesn't include the water found in Coke Zero, of which I drink about two a day at the moment (not nearly as much as the 12 pack a guy I know drinks, but still, two is too many). I plan to wake up each day and drink water, have a glass or two with every meal, and sip on a cup of water while at my desk. I figure I can get in a gallon a day, or close to it, doing this.

Muscle is, after all, made up of about 80 percent water I'm told, so it makes sense.

But the soda... oh, the soda! It's certainly a habit at this point, and one that will be hard to break. My goal is to allow myself Coke Zero on Saturdays, which are my program-allowed "off" days. If I'm not losing the 1-2 pounds a week I am trying to lose, then the soda goes entirely. Caffeine-free soda? Why bother. It's like light beer - I'd rather drink water.

1 comment:

  1. It's not so bad. I had to cut back on caffeine, so I cut out Coke altogether and cut the coffee by two-thirds. It can be done. The gallon of water thing, though? When my blood pressure was low, the nurses told me to "push the fluids." I replied "I'll do that, but the fluids push back."
