Tuesday, November 24, 2009

102.9, But Not FM

There are two significant downsides to beginning a weight-loss program in November. The first, of course, is Thanksgiving. But since that is my "off day" for the week, I can get around that.

The second is cold and flu season. That's a bit trickier to avoid.

Which is why I'm a bit nervous this morning after a long night with my just-about-nine-year-old, who went to bed with a 101.5 fever, greeted me and Mrs. Doc at 4 am with a temp of 102.9 , then woke up at 101.9. Thank the Lord for Motrin.

Owen's a tough little guy, and he's handling it great. But I'm worried this will spread through the family over the next week to 10 days -- and we all know what Thursday is. Yikes.

I've avoided family "outbreaks" in the past by sheer luck and long work hours. We'll see what happens this time around.

But some good news: it occurred to me that weighing myself the morning after Thanksgiving is not a good idea, so I hit the scales this morning. Down another 1.5 pounds -- which means, with 3 pounds gone, I'm 10 percent toward my goal weight on my sixth day of the program. I'm going to celebrate with some Yoplait yogurt.


  1. Wait a minute. Feed a cold, starve a fever. If you get H1N1 you could get a third of the way to your goal in a week.

    Here's a song for you:

    Each evening, from November to November,
    Before you drift to sleep upon your cot,
    Think back on all the tales that you remember
    Of Tamiflu
    Ask ev'ry person if he's heard the story,
    And tell it strong and clear if he has not,
    That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory
    Called Tamiflu.
    Tamiflu! Tamiflu!
    Now say it out with pride and joy!
    Don't let it be forgot
    That once there was a spot
    For one brief shining moment that was known
    As Tamiflu.

  2. Treat your home like a cruise ship. Set up hand-sanitizing stations in every room. Disinfect surfaces twice a day. And, in the evening, have an off-off-off-really-far-off-Broadway musical with lyrics by BaRRD.

  3. Hoping Little Doc is a "flu hog" who dribbles into a corner, runs out some clock, and does not pass anything to anybody.
