Monday, November 9, 2009

A good idea?

"Do you really want to do this?" Well, my wife didn't actually say that, but the look on her face certainly did. Blogs get people in trouble; you write something harmless one day, but three years later it's controversial and lands you in hot water.

I suppose that's possible, although highly unlikely. For two reasons: 1) I don't intend to write anything controversial (sorry if that disappoints!) and 2) it's a blog about losing weight. What could I possibly write that will cause someone to say, "Did you read THAT!"

In this politically correct world ("There! He's controversial already!") I suppose someone could take something personally and be offended. I hope that doesn't happen here. My goal is to make myself accountable for my goal, to educate folks on how to lose weight, to provide a little humor, and last but not least, to inspire people.

I'm confident Mrs. Doc will get comfortable with the idea of me authoring this blog, and if it's the Lord's will, it will be evident in my physical transformation (my spiritual transformation is in His hands!)

1 comment:

  1. No controversy? Well, what's the point?

    Best wishes. And remember, no beer is better than light beer.
