Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Goodbye, Ronald

I couldn't begin my "30 in 4" without getting one more trip to McDonald's out of the way. I did that today for lunch. A regrettable decision.

I've never seen that movie featuring the guy who ate nothing but McDonald's for 30 days, and nearly died as a result of it. To that, I say, "duh!" Having a burger and fries every now and then is not harmful (PETA activists notwithstanding). Everything in moderation, right? That knucklhead in the movie missed the "in moderation" lesson in first grade.

Based on how sluggish I feel right now, though, I will not miss Ronald and his merry friends at the golden arches during my "30 in 4." Is this my last McDonald's meal ever? Hardly. I'm a soccer dad, so it's in my future so long as I'm hauling kids to and from soccer, gymnastics and football. But few and very far between, of that I am certain. And thankful.

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