Tuesday, November 17, 2009

America: Overfed and Undernourished?

Some have called the United States a nation of the overfed and undernourished, and it's probably true. We can find a fast-food restaurant on just about every corner for a reason -- there's a demand for fatty, high carb foods and sugary drinks.

Empty calories. Unhealthy ysaturated fat. Too many carbs. Not enough protein, vitamins and minerals. Too much junk, not enough nutrients.

The "visual" that works for me is a Porsche Panamera. Put in quality fuel and the engine will purr. Put in junk fuel and performance will suffer; do it long enough and the engine will break down.

Our bodies eventually break down. It's how we were created. But not at 45 years old! I'm putting in high-quality fuel. Ten years from now, when Aiden wants me to serve crosses into the box for his shooting practice, or Owen wants me to spot him on the high bar, or Kathryn wants me to play on her co-ed team, I want to say, "I'm in!"


  1. You have the motivation to be healthy for your kids, the strategy in Body for Life, and the public record for your accomplishments. All you need now is an awareness wristband.

  2. Great observation, I-270. What's the color of fat?

  3. Fat is an ugly word. I prefer "marbling," as in "Look at the well marbled person. Why does he have to wear a speedo?"
