Monday, November 23, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Well, perhaps manic is too strong. But rainy and chilly it is.

Couldn't get my upper body workout in this morning, so I'll be doing that this evening. For now, the free weights I have in the basement are good enough to get me going. At some point I'll need to hit the gym to do my upper workout -- as I do for my leg workout.

So tonight: chest, back, shoulders, triceps and biceps.

Speaking of legs, though... my calves are still hurting from Friday's leg workout. It'll take a couple more workouts for the muscles to stop aching.

Had a good "food day" Sunday and, so far, today. The next weighing comes Friday. If all is on schedule I'll be around 211, give or take half a pound.


  1. Thanks. Now I'll have that Bangles song in my head all day.

  2. And today, a Moody Blues earbug:

    Tuesday afternoon,
    I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
    It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.

    Something, calls to me,
    The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why?
    Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.
