Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Lightweight

So I get to the gym last night... Kathryn heads to the treadmill, Aiden to the bike, and I go for the Smith machine for my bench press workout. But two minutes too late.

"I'm on there now," says a guy behind me. I turn to find a barrell-chested fellow in a muscle T and shorts. "But feel free to switch with me if you'd like."

A moment's pause, and I said yes. I didn't have time to wait. Then I looked at what he's lifting -- more than twice what I intended to lift! He was good about it, though, and after each of his sets, we took off a 45-pounder on each side, I did my 10 reps, then the 45-pounders went back on. After my 4 sets, I was out of his hair -- and on schedule.

Using the Smith machine was a nice break from the dumbbells I use at home. Because of the safety aspects of the Smith, I can push myself and put on more weight. Rather than doing the 12-10-8-6-12 set system I use at home, I simply did 4 sets of 10 at 135 to make things go quickly. It wouldn't be good gym courtesy if I were to waste a lot of time moving plates around while the other guy was letting me in.

All in all, a good upper body workout last night, and a decent two-mile run this morning. Only "decent" because I am still terribly out of shape. I'm looking forward to my fitness level getting better.

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