Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cruisin' Along

After a strong upper body workout last night, I thought I'd be a bit down this morning for my run. That wasn't the case. With the sidewalks still covered with ice in spots, I did a treadmill run at the neighborhood gym and got in a good two miles. I felt good during, and after, the run.

I really dislike running just to run. When I'm playing soccer or pick-up hoops, I can go all day (in my mind, anyway). But just "running" doesn't get me excited. My IPod mini is a must, otherwise I'd be toast. Still, cardio three times a week is a crucial part of the program, so away I run.

My food selection has been good, but not great. I'd like to get in at least one shake a day, but that's not working out. Lean Cuisine for lunch is all right, and a protein bar during the day is a staple.

I have NOT been able to drop soda, though. I've cut my intake in half -- from two 20 oz bottles of Coke Zero to one -- but not completely. It's really the caffeine I'm trying to part with. But it's progress, and every day I don't drink one is a mini victory.

I weighed myself Friday and had actually gained a pound. That doesn't concern me, as muscle is heavier than fat. My clothes are a bit looser, which is a very good sign. I will continue to weigh myself weekly, and I must get my body fat content measured this weekend.


  1. I hear you Joe. When Randy and I are in London we think nothing of walking 5 to 7 miles a day because we are GOING somewhere and seeing things along the way. When I am home I wouldn't dream of walking the dull suburban streets of my developement just for the sake of walking. Hmm. Maybe I should move to London for my health.

  2. I hear ya man. The iPod is a must if you're not chasing a ball. Stay away from the banana spring roll dessert at PF Chang.

  3. Just posted on the Local Lanes:

    Here's a new game. Everytime I post I have to type in the random letters. The last post was "caviatid" When I posted on Joe's a few minutes ago it was "alvocia." Now we all know that a "caviatid is an appetizer of fish eggs that makes you feel good about yourself, but what on earth is an "alvocia?"

    Of course to post that I had to type "oreva."
