Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cross Training

Remember the cross-training fad? Footwear commercials encouraged consumers to "just do it" by switching around their sports -- running, walking, mountain climbing, mud wrestling... and they had the shoes to help us do it all.

I suppose the vast array of equipment at the local gyms indicates people are still cross training. I'm doing my own version of cross training -- it's called "shoveling."

Talk about a combined cardio-weight resistance workout. I spent Saturday morning -- 1 am to 10 am -- shoveling snow at a Springfield-area shopping center. Why? Brother Mike works for a guy who plows and shovels local businesses when it snows. They needed help. I had nothing better to do, so off I went.

The snow was falling when I left the house at 12:30 am, and a good number of boneheads had already abandoned their cars in the media strips of I-66 and the Fairfax County Parkway. Pathetic. I stayed at 25-30 MPH and got there fine.

I started with a leaf blower -- that was fun -- then went to the shovel. Three hours of shoveling, breakfast break (about 6 am) then another two hours of shoveling. The snow wasn't heavy, but it was a good workout nonetheless. By 9 am, with just a little nap in my brother's truck, I was pretty much toast. I hit the road to go home at 9:30 am, and was just 50 yards from my house when my car got stuck. A neighbor helped me shovel, and after two strong pushing efforts on my part, we got the car out and in the driveway. If I was toast before, I was burnt, hard and crusty toast by now.

Today, my shoulders and arms are quite tired, and my lower back aches. But the workout was good. I have no idea how many calories I burned, but it was quite I bit. Saturday is my "off day" so I thoroughly enjoyed a box of Goobers and Owen's delicious birthday cake (homemade by Mrs. Doc). I'm going to take an "off day" today, too, and get back on schedule tomorrow. I will enjoy frosted cinnamon buns, nachos and plenty of other treats with the kids today... plus playing in the snow.

Oh, and then there's the shoveling... ugh. The cross training continues.

1 comment:

  1. When people abandon their cars in the media strips of I-66, there's just no room for the TV satellite trucks to park.
