Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Family Affair

A great leg workout last night. And even better news, no pain.

Kathryn and Aiden joined me at the neighborhood gym -- both did some treadmill and stationary bike work (45 minutes total). Best yet -- they were excited to join me. It was great to see them work hard. Perhaps that's why my own workout went so well.

Could have eaten better, though. Ate well all day, but had spaghetti and three meatballs -- and not a small bowl, either. Too many carbs and not enough protein after a great session on the weights. I'll need to do better after Wednesday's upper body session.

And that's part of the challenge, getting in a good meal timed with the family's meal. We like to eat dinner together, regardless of the time of night, and Karen and Owen didn't get home until 10 pm (from gymanstics). That's a bad time to be wolfing down pasta.

Tonight will be a challenge, too, as we celebrate Aiden's successful football season with his team's party at Joe's Pizza. Talk about pasta! Ugh. I plan to eat a late afternoon protein bar and limit my eating at the restaurant to nibbles. Cardio later on tonight.

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