Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Did I say "no pain"?

Yes, I did. But that was yesterday. I'm feeling Monday's leg workout today, though. I added 18 dips as my "high point" following the five sets of leg curls, which focus on the hamstrings. I think those dips did the trick, as my upper "hammies" -- man, I hate that word -- are sore today.

Tonight I need to double-up again -- upper body and cardio. I need to stop doing that, and get the cardio done on the assigned days -- Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. No excuses, just get it done. The kids are joining me again tonight at the gym, so it'll be another good session.

As for last night's meal? Just two slices of pizza. If this had been three weeks ago, it would have been five slices plus bread and dessert. That's progress.

Weigh day is Friday. Hoping to drop another 1-2 pounds from last week. We'll see...

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