Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cross Training

Remember the cross-training fad? Footwear commercials encouraged consumers to "just do it" by switching around their sports -- running, walking, mountain climbing, mud wrestling... and they had the shoes to help us do it all.

I suppose the vast array of equipment at the local gyms indicates people are still cross training. I'm doing my own version of cross training -- it's called "shoveling."

Talk about a combined cardio-weight resistance workout. I spent Saturday morning -- 1 am to 10 am -- shoveling snow at a Springfield-area shopping center. Why? Brother Mike works for a guy who plows and shovels local businesses when it snows. They needed help. I had nothing better to do, so off I went.

The snow was falling when I left the house at 12:30 am, and a good number of boneheads had already abandoned their cars in the media strips of I-66 and the Fairfax County Parkway. Pathetic. I stayed at 25-30 MPH and got there fine.

I started with a leaf blower -- that was fun -- then went to the shovel. Three hours of shoveling, breakfast break (about 6 am) then another two hours of shoveling. The snow wasn't heavy, but it was a good workout nonetheless. By 9 am, with just a little nap in my brother's truck, I was pretty much toast. I hit the road to go home at 9:30 am, and was just 50 yards from my house when my car got stuck. A neighbor helped me shovel, and after two strong pushing efforts on my part, we got the car out and in the driveway. If I was toast before, I was burnt, hard and crusty toast by now.

Today, my shoulders and arms are quite tired, and my lower back aches. But the workout was good. I have no idea how many calories I burned, but it was quite I bit. Saturday is my "off day" so I thoroughly enjoyed a box of Goobers and Owen's delicious birthday cake (homemade by Mrs. Doc). I'm going to take an "off day" today, too, and get back on schedule tomorrow. I will enjoy frosted cinnamon buns, nachos and plenty of other treats with the kids today... plus playing in the snow.

Oh, and then there's the shoveling... ugh. The cross training continues.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Just Say No

And say "no" is what I did during refreshments at Church on Sunday, as the featured food was doughnuts.

I love doughnuts, especially from SFW (one won't find them at Whole Foods).

But Sunday was not my off day -- that was Friday, as I celebrated Aiden's 12th birthday with the family by horsing down a Five Guys' burger with LOTS of fries, and Aiden's triple-chocolate-deluxe birthday cake. Simply delicious.

No cardio on Saturday -- spent the day in Williamsburg for Owen's gymnastics meet. Gotta make that up tonight with my upper body workout.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cruisin' Along

After a strong upper body workout last night, I thought I'd be a bit down this morning for my run. That wasn't the case. With the sidewalks still covered with ice in spots, I did a treadmill run at the neighborhood gym and got in a good two miles. I felt good during, and after, the run.

I really dislike running just to run. When I'm playing soccer or pick-up hoops, I can go all day (in my mind, anyway). But just "running" doesn't get me excited. My IPod mini is a must, otherwise I'd be toast. Still, cardio three times a week is a crucial part of the program, so away I run.

My food selection has been good, but not great. I'd like to get in at least one shake a day, but that's not working out. Lean Cuisine for lunch is all right, and a protein bar during the day is a staple.

I have NOT been able to drop soda, though. I've cut my intake in half -- from two 20 oz bottles of Coke Zero to one -- but not completely. It's really the caffeine I'm trying to part with. But it's progress, and every day I don't drink one is a mini victory.

I weighed myself Friday and had actually gained a pound. That doesn't concern me, as muscle is heavier than fat. My clothes are a bit looser, which is a very good sign. I will continue to weigh myself weekly, and I must get my body fat content measured this weekend.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Lightweight

So I get to the gym last night... Kathryn heads to the treadmill, Aiden to the bike, and I go for the Smith machine for my bench press workout. But two minutes too late.

"I'm on there now," says a guy behind me. I turn to find a barrell-chested fellow in a muscle T and shorts. "But feel free to switch with me if you'd like."

A moment's pause, and I said yes. I didn't have time to wait. Then I looked at what he's lifting -- more than twice what I intended to lift! He was good about it, though, and after each of his sets, we took off a 45-pounder on each side, I did my 10 reps, then the 45-pounders went back on. After my 4 sets, I was out of his hair -- and on schedule.

Using the Smith machine was a nice break from the dumbbells I use at home. Because of the safety aspects of the Smith, I can push myself and put on more weight. Rather than doing the 12-10-8-6-12 set system I use at home, I simply did 4 sets of 10 at 135 to make things go quickly. It wouldn't be good gym courtesy if I were to waste a lot of time moving plates around while the other guy was letting me in.

All in all, a good upper body workout last night, and a decent two-mile run this morning. Only "decent" because I am still terribly out of shape. I'm looking forward to my fitness level getting better.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Did I say "no pain"?

Yes, I did. But that was yesterday. I'm feeling Monday's leg workout today, though. I added 18 dips as my "high point" following the five sets of leg curls, which focus on the hamstrings. I think those dips did the trick, as my upper "hammies" -- man, I hate that word -- are sore today.

Tonight I need to double-up again -- upper body and cardio. I need to stop doing that, and get the cardio done on the assigned days -- Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. No excuses, just get it done. The kids are joining me again tonight at the gym, so it'll be another good session.

As for last night's meal? Just two slices of pizza. If this had been three weeks ago, it would have been five slices plus bread and dessert. That's progress.

Weigh day is Friday. Hoping to drop another 1-2 pounds from last week. We'll see...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Family Affair

A great leg workout last night. And even better news, no pain.

Kathryn and Aiden joined me at the neighborhood gym -- both did some treadmill and stationary bike work (45 minutes total). Best yet -- they were excited to join me. It was great to see them work hard. Perhaps that's why my own workout went so well.

Could have eaten better, though. Ate well all day, but had spaghetti and three meatballs -- and not a small bowl, either. Too many carbs and not enough protein after a great session on the weights. I'll need to do better after Wednesday's upper body session.

And that's part of the challenge, getting in a good meal timed with the family's meal. We like to eat dinner together, regardless of the time of night, and Karen and Owen didn't get home until 10 pm (from gymanstics). That's a bad time to be wolfing down pasta.

Tonight will be a challenge, too, as we celebrate Aiden's successful football season with his team's party at Joe's Pizza. Talk about pasta! Ugh. I plan to eat a late afternoon protein bar and limit my eating at the restaurant to nibbles. Cardio later on tonight.