Thursday, March 4, 2010

Waist Not, Want Not

It's been more than two years since I wore the pants I'm wearing today. The visible crease line from the hangar is embarrassing, but I don't care. They fit again!

How clothes fit is a good indicator of how one's body is changing during a weight-loss program. When combined with weight lifting, weight loss is hard to gauge sometimes because added muscle mass takes away from the fat loss, in terms of the scale. But when clothes start fitting again... that's a good thing!

I have a pair of shorts that I haven't worn in about 10 years. I probably shouldn't wear them again, since they're 10 years (or more) out of style. But the day I fit in them is the day I know I've arrived. I'll keep you updated!


  1. Awesome. Are they old school Umbros from the Cruyff era? Those are real "shorts." Today's styles are "longs."

  2. I hope they're not your college Ocean Pacific shorts.
