Monday, March 8, 2010

Cardio, strength training... or both?

I found this of interest, from Quality Health:

If the search for ultimate fitness came down to either cardio exercise or strength training, which would be the better choice? The answer may surprise you.

People work out with different goals in mind. Some are looking for weight loss, some want cardiovascular fitness and some want to tone and build muscle. A complete fitness plan includes both cardiovascular and strength training but each has its benefits.

What are those benefits?

  • Strength (weight or resistance) training. According to the Mayo Clinic, muscle mass naturally decreases with age. If you don't do anything to replace the muscle loss, it'll be replaced with fat. Weight training can help you reverse the trend at any age. As your muscle mass increases, you'll be able to work harder and longer before you get tired. You'll maintain joint flexibility, increase bone density and better manage your weight." The more muscle mass you have the less body fat you'll store. Muscle burns more calories than fat.
  • Cardio Exercise. The Mayo Clinic also clarifies the benefits of cardio (aerobics). "Aerobic exercise causes you to breathe faster and more deeply, which maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood. The better your aerobic fitness, the more efficiently your heart, lungs and blood vessels transport oxygen throughout your body. The bottom line? It's great for your heart, lungs and long-term health and burns calories.

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