Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nine Tips for Losing Weight

Some more tips from Quality Health (can't say I disagree with any of these):

1. Start Right. As cliche as it may sound, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day—especially when you're trying to shed pounds. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota found that those who eat a healthy breakfast tend to have a lower body mass index than those who skip the first meal of the day.

2. Stick with Cereal. It's important to eat a healthy breakfast, and you may lose even more weight by choosing cereal for your morning meal. In a recent study, people who ate cereal for breakfast every day were much less likely to be obese or have diabetes than those who didn't.

3. Go Nuts. Instead of reaching for your staple snack, eat a handful of nuts. In a study conducted by the City of Hope National Medical Center, overweight adults who consumed a moderate-fat diet with almonds lost more weight than a control group who ate the same diet without the almonds.

4. Get Your Z's. According to research by France's INSERM organization, sleep loss causes a 23 to 24 percent increase in hunger, which can mean major weight gain. Not surprisingly, studies have also shown that people who get at least eight hours of sleep a night have an easier time losing weight than those who don't.

5. Eat Slowly. When it comes to weight loss, slow and steady really does win the race—because people eat less when they savor their food. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island found that women who ate their meals quickly (in nine minutes) consumed a total of 646 calories, while those ate the same meals slowly (in 29 minutes) consumed only 579 calories.

6. Be Prepared. That vending machine at your workplace doesn't offer many nutritious food choices (neither does the office candy jar or the mall food court). That's why it's important to bring a healthy lunch and energy-boosting snacks with you to work, school, shopping, or anywhere else you'll be for extended periods of time.

7. Downsize. Restaurant portions are likely to be much larger than anything you'd prepare for yourself at home. So the next time you're dining out, ask for a take-home box when your entrée is served. Scoop half of your dish into the box, refrigerate it when you get home, and eat it for lunch or dinner the following day.

8. Buddy Up. Several studies have shown that having a diet buddy can help you lose weight faster and more effectively. At the gym, a workout partner has the same effect. So find a friend, family member, coworker, or acquaintance who shares your goals, and make a pact to support and motivate each other and achieve your objectives together.

9. Indulge Yourself. According to experts, limiting yourself to a rigid diet can lead to feelings of deprivation and undermine your weight-loss efforts. For better results, allow yourself an occasional—but modest—weekly splurge, such as a piece of angel-food cake with strawberries or a few spoonfuls of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Re: #4. The French are the ones with a 35 hour work week and frequent work stoppages. They get ample sleep. That's why they're so thin, despite eating French food.
