Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Legs are Back

Had one of my best leg workouts in a while Monday -- extensions, curls, presses, calf raises and lunges. My legs were wobbly all day, but in a good way. Going up stairs was fun! (Yeah, right...)

Busy day today, but I'm hoping to get my cardio in tonight. If not, I'm doubling up Wednesday. Hate those, but gotta do it.

I'm about halfway to my goal, so I'm behind schedule. Given the circumstances, though, I'm not upset with myself. I still hope to get to 185 by March 18, but if I don't make, it'll be April 28 -- my wife's birthday. Either way, I'm getting there, and I can't wait to do it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Indoor Soccer

After a layoff of a couple of years, I've decided to start playing indoor soccer again, at the Dulles SportsPlex. I thought I was joining an over-40 co-ed league, but it turns out it's co-ed OPEN -- which means far too many players on the opposing team are quicker, faster and stronger than me.

So what.

Talk about a cardio workout! My philosophy is: get on the field, work hard on and off the ball until breath comes in gagged gasps, then get off. That's a bout a four-minute spell. My brother Dan, who played professionally for two years in the Continental Indoor Soccer League -- remember the Washington Warthogs?! -- says a typical "shift" in the CISL was two minutes. I'm not a hockey guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the same applied to the NHL.

With all of the accelerating, cutting, back peddling, passing, shooting and defending in indoor soccer, it's not surprising that the workout is intense. I get annoyed when my teammates -- other than Dan, I don't know any of their names yet -- don't work hard, but stay on the field for 8 minutes at a time. I have no time for that (pun intended). Get on, work hard, get off, rest, then do it again. Otherwise, stay home!

So on game days -- Wednesday nights -- I don't do any lifting or running. I needed it all for "the match." By the time I get home, soaked t-shirt and all, the hot shower feels good. Of course, Mrs. Doc always examines me with a keen eye, looking for an injury. So far, so good!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Natural Workout

Who needs a gym when you have three feet of snow outside?

After several days of shoveling snow at my house and at my son's gymnastics center, I thought my back would be in severe discomfort by now, if not outright pain. But not so! For this, I credit a variety of sources who made it clear that using the legs is crucial to proper shoveling technique.

I look a little silly, dropping down into a squat position each time I fill the shovel full of snow, slush and ice, but I can feel the stress in my legs, not my back. It truly is a great leg workout. I also emphasize throwing the snow a bit, giving me a good upper body workout. I particularly feel it in my triceps and shoulders. Good stuff.

There has to be a cardio component as well, given that after a few minutes of this I'm breathing pretty heavy. I make sure to take a break every 10 minutes or so to catch my breath and to let my heart rate settle down.

It's not quite the Body for Life Program, but if it works, don't fix it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A New Beginning

My mom would want me to succeed.

How do I know? Because she spent here adult life giving me the opportunity to succeed. She sacrificed to give her kids every possible chance to be successful. To NOT continue this plan would make her upset. And I won't have that!

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, so I'm making this my off day. OK, I've had an "off month," but no apologies there. I still managed to lose weight, but not eating is no way to lose weight. It's unhealthy. So getting back on plan is crucial. But not today.

Today I will enjoy being with my family, watching some good football/futbol, and eating lots of fun and unhealthy stuff. That's what "off days" are for. Tomorrow, I'm back on plan. And I can't wait.

Speaking of futbol... my daughter insisted that I break out the ladder, work my way through nearly 3-foot snow drifts to get to the satellite, dish and climb up and get the snow off the dish so she can "watch the game." Which game? Chelsea-Arsenal, of course! Peyton and Drew take second fiddle in our household. And I love it!

Please check back often for regular updates. And thanks in advance for your posts!